
Agreement signed to help Kentuckians with severe mental illness transition out of institutional care to community housing - Health News

Lots of added sugar in some hard ciders - health news

Study links cottonseed oil with lower cholesterol - health news

Hot brew coffee has higher levels of antioxidants than cold brew - health news

Respiratory effects of wood smoke: gender matters - health news

Older adults: much weaker relationship between what eyes see and their brain activity - health news

UK students say they're becoming addicted to Juul electronic cigarettes; expert says company has perfected nicotine delivery - Health News

KET will air three hours of programs on youth mental health in November; first one airs Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. ET - Health News

Tall individuals are more prone to cancer - health news

Rich people don't live that much longer than the poor - health news

Exercise may lessen fall risk for older adults with Alzheimer's - health news

Vitamin D levels in the blood linked to cardiorespiratory fitness - health news

Bigger brains associated with greater cancer risk - health news

Fermented dairy products may protect against heart attack - health news

Becoming more sensitive to pain increases the risk of knee pain not going away - health news

A retrospective study of 157 hospitalized cats with pancreatitis in a tertiary care center: Clinical, imaging and laboratory findings, potential prognostic markers and outcome - Health News

Reporter writes about beating breast cancer, but perhaps most importantly, about first finding it - Health News

Only syringe exchange in Lincoln Trail health district is a point of pride for Nelson County, Bardstown newspaper says in editorial - Health News

Study predicts number of Kentuckians who drop off Medicaid will double if work and 'community engagement' rules are approved - Health News

Blood Type Incompatibilities and Influence of Crossmatch on Transfusions in Cats - Health News

Local outbreak of hepatitis A declared in Madison County, calling for vaccinations; heavy demand for shots in Whitley - Health News

Feds form strike force to fight opioid abuse in Appalachia - Health News

Few women told by doctor that breastfeeding can reduce cancer risk - health news

'Microdoses' of psychedelics may enhance a person's creative problem solving abilities - health news

Trust in others predicts mortality in the United States - health news

Probiotics are not always 'good bacteria' - health news

Late night snacker? Make it cottage cheese - health news

Tooth loss can indicate malnutrition - health news

Older adults with strong grip, good memory may avoid or delay disability - health news

Seniors can save lots of money by shopping around for Medicare drug plans, but few do; here are tips - Health News

Association between physical exercise and mental health: group sports best - health news

Nutrition Facts Label Reboot: A Tale of Two Labels - health news

Encouraging new public health approaches to promote the health benefits of muscle-strengthening exercise (MSE) - health news

Complementary approaches such as meditation help patients manage chronic pain - health news

Air pollution and noise increase risk for heart attacks - health news

Stress can impair memory, reduce brain size in middle age - health news

Survival Study After Diagnosis of Feline Hypertension - Health News

Poor oral health linked to higher blood pressure, worse blood pressure control - health news

Home-based biofeedback therapy is effective option for tough-to-treat constipation - health news