
Bullitt County schools to sue Juul Labs, alleging it create e-cig epidemic that has cost them money and instructional time - Health News

Juul Labs used research that tobacco-cigarette manufacturers wanted to use to get young people to become addicted to nicotine - Health News

Kentucky state senator taken aback by 'shoutfest' in Oval Office between electronic-cigarette interests and their foes - Health News

Substance abuse drives decrease in life expectancy in U.S., Ky. - Health News

Louisville newspaper tracks huge, powerful and violent drug cartel's invasion of small towns in Kentucky and other states - Health News

New state Medicaid contracts drop Passport and Anthem, which say they will appeal; top Beshear aide voices concern - Health News

Report says Kentucky Medicaid could save nearly $240 million by cutting middlemen between drug makers and pharmacists - Health News

Holiday-season tips to enjoy all of your favorite foods, without the weight gain - Health News

Analysis of US life expectancy - health news

Playing board games may help protect thinking skills in old age - health news

Aerobic exercise and heart-healthy diet may slow development of memory problems J - health news

Salt, sugar, frying in oil bad; Ketogenic diet good - health news

Cannabis reduces headache and migraine pain by nearly half - health news

Extra virgin olive oil staves off multiple forms of dementia in mice - health news

Employer-sponsored insurance health plans in Ky. more costly in 2018; high premiums and deductibles leave many underinsured - Health News

Kentucky’s diabetes problem continues to worsen; rate now at nearly 13%, seventh highest in the nation - Health News

State health department offers food safety tips to keep your guest safe during the holiday season - Health News

Lack of sleep may explain why poor people get more heart disease - health news

HPV vaccines & vaccine schedules in adolescent girls and boys Wiley - health news

Words matter when writing about addiction, and the wrong ones increase stigma; speakers at workshop offer tips - Health News